Your body belongs to your country

-First of the 10 Commandments of the Hitler Youth



SCAPEGOATING- Blaming social problems on a cultural, racial or behavioral group

PREJUDICE- Selling the public on the idea that all members of the targeted group are 'bad' people

LIES- 'Facts' which cannot be verified, and pseudo-scientific studies are used as propaganda against the targeted group. History is rewritten.

NO PUBLIC DEBATE- "These people have no right to have their viewpoint aired." and "Anyone who disagrees or questions us must be one of them!"

DEHUMANIZATION- Characterizing all members of a targeted group as subhuman and typically capable of monstrous acts.

PROTECT OUR CHILDREN- "They corrupt, seduce and/or destroy our children"

CIVIL LIBERTIES SACRAFICED- "We must give up some of our freedoms, liberties and rights in order to combat this menace to society."

LEGAL DISCRIMINATION- Laws criminalize members of targeted group and they may be denied jobs, the right to own property and/or be restricted as to where they may live or go.

INFORMERS- Citizens are urged to turn in friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members.

SECRET POLICE- Non-uniformed police squads set up to wage war on targeted gruops using deception, infiltration, espionage and entrapment.

CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY- Property and assets are seized from people who are members or merely accused of being members of target groups. Property may be divided between the informer and the state.

REMOVAL FROM SOCIETY- Prisons, rehabilitation camps, hospitals, executions, and genocide.


May 27, 1924: Motion in Reichstag to place all Jews under "special legislation H.R. 4079 Congress places drug users under special legiSlation
March 23, 1933: "Enabling Act" gives government power to promulgate emergency legislation that deviates from constitution.H.R. 4079 gives government power to promulgate emergency legislation that deviates from Constitution.
March 22,1933: Dachau concentration camp opened to place people who "cannot be allowed to remain free as they continue to agitate and cause unrest"H.R. 4079 creates provisions to set up camps for drug users to " the extraordinary threat to the nation by the use and trafficking of illegal drugs."
March 26, 1933: Anti-Jewish boycott goes into effect"Operation Green Merchant" and new legislation concerning drug paraphenalia has basically forced boycott of merchants by disallowing the sale of the goods they would be selling.
March 31,1933: Jewish judges replaced with NSDAP judgesH.R. 4079 set up provisions to monitor judges' sentencing patterns to be sure that they comply with the bill. Removes judges that are "soft on drugs" by not allowing them to sentence people according to their opinions.
April 1933: Jewish people prohibited from employment in government, teaching, newspapers, orchestras.4079 imposes drug testing to guarantee termination from ALL jobs for drug users.
April 21, 1933: Jewish ritual of slaughtering animals for food banned.April 17, 1990: Supreme Court ruling #88-1213: peoples peyote ritual is now illegal.
April 25, 1933: Non-aryans excluded from public schools.4079 demands drug testing, resulting in expulsion of drug users from school.
July 14, 1933: Annulment of citizenship of "undesirables"4079 takes away the Constitutional rights of drug users, makes them subjects of republic as opposed to citizens of democracy.
Oct. 26,1939: Random seizures of Jews for forced labor starts after decree is issued making "forced labor compulsory for all Jews between the ages of 14 and 60"4079 make labor mandatory for ALL prisoners unable to prove 100% disability
Art deemed "objectionable" banned from public viewing and confiscated. Before being burned, art put on display with derogatory statements placed under them. Art show had largest attendance in German history.U.S. government continues to try to impose censorship by going after material that is deemed objectionable by the general population
"Operation Green", Hitlers invasion of Czechoslovakia, despite existing non-agression pact."Operation Just Cause", Bush's invasion of Panama, was conducted without regard for U.N. treaties.
Hitler assures Germany he "wanted only peace"Bush assures U.S. we will have "a kinder, gentler nation."
The H.R. 4079 information was taken from Jack Herer's awesome book The Emperor Wears No Clothes.