In contrast to public perception, even hero's smoked marijuana. The Associated Press reported on 22 June 1971: "A Congressional Medal of Honor winner says he was 'stoned' on marijuana the night he fought off two waves of vietcong soldiers and won America's highest military honor."

He fought the enemy single-handed and dragged a wounded comrade to the rear before collapsing from exhaustion and three wounds. At a medical center, he refused treatment until more seriously injured men had been cared for.

"It was the only time I went into combat stoned," [the soldier] said. "You get really alert when you're stoned because you have to be. We were all partying the night before. We weren't expecting any action because we were in a support group. All the guys were 'heads'. We'd sit around smoking grass and getting stoned and talking about when we'd get to go home."

The above is taken from Rowan Robinson's excellent book 'The Great Book of Hemp'.